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Timestamp field available in tables in NAV 2016

  1 minute read

If you open a Navision table from SQL server you might have noticed that a timestamp field is available which is a hidden field and was not accessible from...

New MetaData Virtual Tables in NAV 2016

  1 minute read

In NAV 2016 there are four new metadata virtual tables were introduced and those are Table MetaData ((2000000136) <li>Codeunit MetaData ((2000000...


  1 minute read

There is a new datatype introduced in NAV 2016 and it is called FilterPageBuilder, this datatype can be used to create a filter page that enables users to ...

Code Coverage in NAV 2016

  less than 1 minute read

If you remember in previous versions there is a tool called code coverage which was very useful tool to trace the code / debug the error for the developers,...