Job Queue is not running in local docker container

  less than 1 minute read

When you setup a job queue in your local docker container, the job queue may not be running and to resolve the issue follow the below steps

First, open the PowerShell command prompt of the container and run the below command

Get-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance BC | Out-String -stream | Select-String EnableTaskScheduler

This should give you the value of the property and if the property is set to false then Job queue will not work, you need to set it to true.

Please run the below commands to set the value to true

Set-NavServerConfiguration -ServerInstance BC -KeyName EnableTaskScheduler -KeyValue true

Set-NavServerInstance -ServerInstance BC -restart

You can also execute the below script from your local PowerShell ISE without using the container PowerShell command

    Invoke-ScriptInNavContainer -containername BC -scriptblock {

    Set-NavServerConfiguration -ServerInstance BC -KeyName EnableTaskScheduler -KeyValue true

    Set-NavServerInstance -ServerInstance BC -restart

If you have any other tips or suggestions, please do share them in the comments below.


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